
Christmas Presents

Ahh, the season is upon us. This weekend, after everyone stuffs themselves on turkey, cranberries, mashed potatoes (mmmhmm, my favorite) and a variety of desserts, Americans will do what they do best. Shop! Black Friday (what an ominous name) and the newer Cyber Monday are the official start of the Christmas shopping season. Although, I have already heard Christmas music in Meijer and seen signs for the Biggest Sale Of The Year! That point aside, patriotic Americans will dutifully cram in to shopping malls and department stores to spend every last cent on Tickle-Me-Elmos, video games, jewelry and iPads.

I am sitting in my apartment procrastinating homework for my Media & the Law class by thinking about what I want to buy my family for Christmas presents. I was also thinking about my efforts to reduce consumption this semester and wondering how well I have done so far, when it hit me. Why should I participate in the consumerism-driven circus of the next few weeks? Do all of my friends and family really need brand new items? Why don't I purchase Christmas presents at second-hand shops? There a tons of cute little stores that sell used items - items that are perfectly usable. I could even not buy things for some people at all, I could use my newly developed photography skills and make personal gifts for each person.

I have to say...I am excited about this idea! It gives me a chance to give people more personal gifts than just another piece plastic-eye-candy from a department store! :D

1 comment:

  1. Personal gifts are always the best. Have you considered bags of dung? (I hope you were there for that story)
